Stochastic Processes and Modeling in Physics

with Sergey Belan and Michael Chertkov

  • Skoltech (2016-2017)

  • HSE University, Faculty of Physics (2021-2023)

The course offers as a soft and self-contained introduction to modern applied probability covering theory and application of stochastic models. Emphasis is placed on intuitive explanations of the theoretical concepts such as random walks, the law of large numbers, Markov processes, mutual information, Shannon's entropy, etc., supplemented by computational implementations of basic algorithms. Most of the discussed concepts are illustrated with examples from natural sciences. To successfully master the discipline, students must have basic skills in creating programs in any programming language.

Lecture Notes

Basics of Functional Integration

with Sergey Vergeles

  • HSE University, Faculty of Physics (2021-2023)

The purpose of this course is to master basic knowledge of path integrals in quantum mechanics and statistical physics. The course begins with defining the notion of a path integral and demonstrating its correspondence to quantum mechanics using examples of free particle motion and harmonic oscillator. Then we develop the quasi-classical approximation and consider the problems of tunneling and level splitting in a double-well potential. After that, the functional integration technique is applied to classical systems, and here we discuss the Brownian motion and conformations of long polymer chains.

Lecture Notes in Russian:

  1. Basics of Path Integration in Quantum Mechanics, Part 1

  2. Basics of Path Integration in Quantum Mechanics, Part 2

  3. Quantum Oscillator and Generating Functional

  4. Statistical Mechanics and Feynman Diagrams

  5. Gelfand-Yaglom Formula

  6. Instanton in a double-well potential

  7. Passage of a particle through a potential barrier

  8. Aharonov-Bohm effect

  9. Brownian Motion via Path Integral and Brownian Functionals

  10. Gaussian Chain Gyration Radius

  11. Chain Conformation in an External Field

  12. Self-Avoiding Random Walks

  13. Self-Avoiding Random Walks Renormalization

Last modified: October 07, 2022. Website built with Franklin.jl and Julia.